A description will appear someday. I promise.


Note to all pukey-artist types (and I mean those artists who are pukey, not that all artists are pukey):

If you're going to bad-mouth a library employee, you shouldn't do it in front of the said employee's book discussion group. Duh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahaha.... That was awesome. You're eyes could have sparked fire. If you had told us to go and get them, we prolly would have! :)


9:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a story I'd like to hear the rest of.
Also, I think I'd pay money to watch a whole young adult book discussion group jump up and beat someone at a librarian's command. Yep, the image has me giggling.
I'll buy you a nerf dart launcher for Christmas, best I can do. Well, actually I still have one of my paintball pistols, but I think the other librarians would get mad at you if you missed and hit the books.
Always trying to help,

9:32 PM


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