I Capture the Castle - Dodie Smith
I am a Bad Person.
Most people know that I am not modest about my book knowledge (well, specifically my young adult book knowledge), which makes the following confession all the more difficult.
I have never read I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith.
I started it this morning, and I love it so much that I'm mad that I've never read it before. (Horrors! I could be enjoying my thirteenth or fourteenth reading of the book, rather than constantly kicking myself for ignoring it for so long!)
Although I am only three pages in (and I NEVER do this--except at the moment, obviously), I'm going to tell you right now: this book rules. RULES. If you at all like the Anne of Green Gables series, you will like this book. As I continue to read it, I'm sure that I'll come up with more, but come on, give me a break, I'm only three pages in. And I can't wait to read the rest of it. Thankfully, I have the day off tomorrow.
As I read books, I usually mark the pages (with a torn up piece of paper--I do NOT write in books) that I think might be quote-worthy. All three pages that I've read are already marked. Including the first sentence:
I write this sitting in the kitchen sink.How could that beginning fail to grab? I LOVE this book. More on it when I've finished.
This book sounds wonderful! :)
9:49 AM
Oh, you bad horrible person. You haven't read every book in creation. Oh, the thought of such a thing! I don't know how we can stand talking to you.
Ok, is that enough chastisement for you or would you like more?
I've already told just about everyone I know that you were the most amazing book seller I had ever met, and knew more about juvenile and young adult lierature than any sane person has the right to know. You're just going to have to deal.
I think everyone can forgive the occasional missed book. Just to make you feel better, I still have not read The Secret Garden or any of the Anne of Green Gables books. Go ahead, you can smack me for that.
1:12 PM
I think that you should keep an eye on the Maine Library Jobs page. Just in case.
Oh, and not to be bossy, but read those books. And just so you know, you totally made my day with that tirade. You rock.
7:56 AM
Oh, and another reason that you should just break down and move to Maine? Less lanes and less cars.
8:16 AM
Oh hell no.
Jeremy, Chrissy's S.O.
1:24 PM
Oh, come on. I need someone up here to run a D & D game or something. I miss it.
2:50 PM
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