A description will appear someday. I promise.


Wow. There's more info at Authors and Illustrators for Children Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting... Chris Crutcher, Sonya Sones, Katherine Paterson, Tommie DePalo, Linda Sue Park... Gosh, it's a good thing Trina Schuart Hyman wasn't on there, or I might really have had to vote for Kerry! :)


10:51 AM

Blogger off the hook said...

don't tell me you've gone over to the dark side

i swear to god, leila...

1:32 PM

Blogger Leila said...

Briana, you crazy freakazoid, I wouldn't have posted a pro-Kerry ad if I was going to vote for Bush. Duh.

I think you're getting confused about who's posting what. Yes?

2:15 PM

Blogger off the hook said...

No, I just was unaware as to the type of "Wow" it was. You know, the "Wow-these-people-are-insane-and-should-be-castrated-in-order-to-prevent-them-spawning" Wow, or the Wow of the "these people are awesome" persuasion, or the ever-classic "That's a NIIICE chainsaw" Wow. You need to differentiate, otherwise I'm going to think that Josh is having too negative effect on you and I'll find someone to take him out.

(And I don't mean on a date.)

4:14 PM

Blogger Leila said...

I told him about the whole misunderstanding. He thought that it was really funny. And I'm sure that he'll think that the whole "not out on a date thing" is, as well.

10:42 AM


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