A description will appear someday. I promise.


Because, as we all know, it's much better to go out and shoot something than it is to wear a dress.

"It might be fun today to dress up like a little girl -- kids think it's cute and things like that. And you start playing around with it and, like drugs, you do a little here and there (and) eventually it gets you," Davies told reporters.

Sometimes, it is really, really hard for me to stick to my try-to-respect-other-opinions-and-beliefs thing. Really, really hard. "...eventually it gets you". What does that even mean??? Does she not have bigger things to worry about? Where to people come up with the time for this crap?? Because that's what it is. Crap.

Of course, I try less hard in a case like this--where ONE parent dictates what the ENTIRE school does. ONE parent. So, obviously, she couldn't care less about respecting the beliefs of others. It's her way or NO WAY.

Obviously, I'm feeling a little cranky this morning. Reading the news is NOT HELPING.


Blogger Chrissy said...

I don't have much to say to this other than to bang my head on the desk to try and MAKE THE STUPITY STOP.

2:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farking insane.


6:23 PM


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