A description will appear someday. I promise.


Possible windfall!

A patron just donated a box of children's books to the library--and the book contains about 40 different Three Investigators books--the old editions with the Hitchcock intros and the good covers. If the Children's Director doesn't want them, I'm totally going to buy them.

My most recent book coup was the Serendipity books--someone donated about 27 of the hardbacks, the library didn't want 'em, and now I'm the proud owner. I don't know why I love them so much--normally, they'd be everything that I can't stand in a book--overly moralistic, big huge weepy eyes, unicorns. But for whatever reason, they rule.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - Great time with you and Josh and Jane today. Oh, and the poodles. Tony has the coolest house, and the coolest farm, and the coolest porch.

What are the Three Investigators books? With Hitchcock intros? Neato.

I am on the last Astro City comic book, the one about the iron man guy. What'll I do when I run out...? Guess I'll just finished Beautiful Ghosts. Which is not nearly as good, but I figure I should get it done before Tuesday so that I can return it. So that you can check it out, right? :)

- Sirabby

7:27 PM

Blogger Steve said...

I agree. about the serendipity books. they are wrong, poorly written, and evil. but i loved them as a kid. I think they might be the children's book equivilalent of crack.

7:28 PM

Blogger Lauren K said...

Wheedle on the Needle? So not crack. That was a lovely tale. And the other one... whatever it was called... good find, LR!

10:21 PM

Blogger Leila said...

And I own it. Wheedle on the Needle, the Muffin Muncher, my god, they are so horrible. I love them.

8:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still have all my Morgan books. Even with the big soulful scary eyes, I still think they're better than a lot of the Berenstein books.

2:23 PM


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