A description will appear someday. I promise.


Shadowmancer - G. P. Taylor

Before I do anything else...

This is more important than learning how to upload pictures. More important than linking to my friends. More important than bringing my paycheck over to the bank and cashing it so that I can eat breakfast. I need to spread the word.

Shadowmancer, by G. P. Taylor, is the WORST BOOK IN THE WORLD.

I have provided a link to it--but only so you will know what to avoid.

Do not buy it. Do not read it. Run away screaming. If someone tells you that it's the next HP, they obviously don't know what they're talking about and should never be trusted again. Ever.

Now that I have that out of the way, I can continue living my (very exciting) life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember Crappermancer?


10:27 AM


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