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A Ghost is Born.

The new Wilco album rules. It's so good that it makes my stomach hurt. (High praise indeed!)


Blogger Steve said...

if i remember correctly, lots of things make your stomach hurt. like eating a leila heart attack burger, or cheetos.

4:05 PM

Blogger Leila said...

Yes, but Cheetos and Wilco are both wonderful things.

At the moment, I'm eating Quaker Squares, and they're making my stomach hurt.

Yankee Hotel Foxtrot also made my stomach hurt. And it made me want to jump off a bridge. (But a lot of my favorite music makes me feel like that, so that's okay).

8:08 AM

Blogger Lauren K said...

Sea-Pig anyone?


Really, none of these are what I'm looking for, but you know what I mean.

2:05 PM

Blogger Leila said...

I can't believe that you even remember that. I had forgotten until you brought it up. Ugh. I feel sick just thinking about it.

3:24 PM


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