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Rock Star Superstar -- Blake Nelson

It was fun, but...

Rock Star Superstar wasn't all that I had hoped for. It started off well, with one of the high school characters dressing like a 'punk-rock librarian'. But it lost most of its charm for me when I hit this line:

"Do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend?" she asked.
I'm sorry. I refuse to believe that ANYONE actually says that past second grade, much less as a junior in high school. It was so lame tht I had to put it down for a few days.

I went back to it, though, because minus the ASS dialogue, the story itself was pretty good. Despite what you may think while reading the quick synopsis--a boy deals with being in a band that might have the chance to really hit it big while trying to navigate his first real relationship--the story IS really believeable, as are the relationships. So yeah, except for a few groaners, it was good.

And if you want to read a review of it by someone who thought that it was REALLY good, take a look at Reading Rants.


Blogger Lauren K said...

I just wish I knew someone named Blake.

And that I had some good hot and sour soup.

Have you read "The Truth about Forever"? Because you should. Happy Hanukkah!

4:58 PM


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