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The Girl Who Owned a City -- O. T. Nelson

I apologize in advance to anyone who likes this book.
Or, A Book That Broke Leila's Will to Read.

It isn't often that I can't get through a book. I finished Artemis Fowl, even though I thought it was the most overated piece of garbage that I had come across in a long, long time. The last time that I couldn't finish a book was when I tried to read Shadowmancer. (So sue me. I made a mistake. I forgot that the publishing industry is just trying to sell books, not necessarily good ones).

So. The Girl Who Owned a City is the book that gets to be the illustrious followup to Shadowmancer. I made it to about page 50, and I had to stop. It was just bad. The writing was crap, the pacing sucked (there were long stretches of BOR-ing, followed by action that was often boring and ALWAYS lame), the characters were annoying, the dialogue was stilted and flat, and it was dated. MEGA dated.

The plotline is probably familiar to anyone who actually daydreamed as a kid: everyone over twelve has been wiped out by a plague. Unfortunately, the plague didn't wipe out the author before he wrote this crap book.


Blogger Leila said...

If it was, I'm not surprised. Francesca and I did have a lot of book issues. *cough* Artemis Suck *cough*

2:34 PM

Blogger Leila said...

Oddly enough, until I started working in a library, I hardly even used 'em. Probably because I was working in a bookstore before that, I just read all of their books.

I know lots of people that loooooved Artemis. And lots of kids love it, which is great. Anything to get them reading--and if they're hooked on a series, that's even better.

8:39 AM


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